Friday, August 1, 2008

American Idol Auditions

Alright, so I tried out. And to cut to the chase, I didn't make it. BUT we did make lost of lasting memories and got an inside scoop into the whole process of auditioning. I am not going to write more than this or post any pictures because my friend Drew took all the pictures and also wrote about it better than I could. So click here to check out his post! Feel free to comment here though.


Katie said...

Lacie, Great job for auditioning! You are awesome! It was way fun to read how it all happens but I am disappointed that not even one of you guys went on. I am sorry. But I it sounds like it was a wonderful experience! So I am sure it was worth it!

Drew said...

Huzzah for making memories, and RYAN SEACREST!!! Amazing. Thanks for the link to my blog too.

Drew said...

And just think, ever since then I haven't been able to find my driver's license. Where ARE my jeans anyway??

Drew said...


Linda Horsley said...

I am so proud of you. You are an american idol in my book. You are my hero for just trying out.